MALT Download Page
This is the official download site for MALT (the MEGAN alignment tool).
MALT is a fast replacement for BLASTX, BLASTP and BLASTN, and provides
both local and semi-global alignment capabilities.
By default, MALT produces RMA files that can be opened in MEGAN.
In addition, MALT can provide alignments in Text, Tab or SAM format.
MALT is an extension of MEGAN.
Program installers:
MALT_macos_0_6_3.dmg (64-bit, MacOS X)
MALT_windows-x64_0_6_3.exe (64-bit, Windows) (64-bit, Linux, Unix)
Release notes
Auxiliary mapping files:
MALT is able to perform taxonomic and functional classification during alignment.
This requires the use of the same mapping files that MEGAN employs, please download the mapping files from the MEGAN download page.